Screw the fitness industry, what's going on with Back Bay Boxing?
Once upon a time, when we were all sweating in the basement during summer workouts, cries rang out! Literally, people were crying! 'Let's do some outdoor classes!', 'When can we do some classes on the esplanade?' or 'OMG it's SOOOO hot in here, can we please do some classes outside?' Well, now we have outdoor classes the cries from those SAME people have changed. 'I'll be back for the indoor classes!' 'I can't wait for indoor classes to resume!' Oh the irony.
It's like they say, you can't please everyone.
Many of you have asked what my thoughts are on how the fitness industry and more specifically how Back Bay Boxing will evolve over the coming months, so here it is...based off actual real-world data...not just the ramblings of an Irishman.
The results below are based on a recent survey of approximately 100 current and/or former gyms members. (Thanks to all who participated, and a special thank you to all who requested to unsubscribe. Love you too and thank you for supporting small businesses!)
20% of our post-covid member base no longer live or work in the Boston area. (Unfortunately this 20% hasn't transitioned to Back Bay Boxing On_Demand Workouts but that's their loss. :))
This is not a huge migration out of the Boston area but it is significant if you consider how small the BBBx community is/was. It is also significant when you consider that commercial spaces are now MORE expensive than prior to the Pandemic even though the City of Boston has SO many, OH SO MANY empty commercial spaces. So who the f**k knows what's that's all about! Like seriously, total BS!
So here are a few tidbits of data to bemuse you:
Almost 45% of you have not yet returned to the office and close to 50% will not return this Fall. As you can imagine, this significantly reduces the volume of foot traffic in the downtown area heading in the Fall and Winter. For those who are back in the office, they are mostly back on a hybrid model and not on a regular M-F schedule. WTF!!!
80% of those surveyed intend to return to some form of gym membership in the Fall (not necessarily with BBBx). This is great to hear that so many people are prioritizing their health and fitness. Unfortunately of those who responded positively on a return to gyms, most are already current members of some kind at BBBx (insert exploding head emoji).
Almost 25% of those surveyed are still hesitant to attend indoor classes. This number would be suggestive that 75% are comfortable with outdoor class but this is obviously not that case as our outdoor classes are still struggling and small (insert another exploding head emoji).
So, there ya have it! The numbers don't lie. Make of it what you will but yeah, in conclusion, a big sh*tshow that's a long way from over!
See ya in class soon!